Blogs of Note
The "All" Screen -
[image: The All Screen by midgefrazel] The All Screen, a photo by midgefrazel on Flickr. One Billon Graves (app for iPhone continued) 1B Graves app showing ...5 hours ago
A Grave Concern: Awesome cross posts -
Here are some crosses that my fellow cemetery bloggers have photographed. Over Thy Dead Body takes us to a cemetery in Ireland to show us a lovely cross wi...11 hours ago
Print of the Day - Happy Face -
*Happy Face *- The primary symbolism of seventeenth century gravestones was a skull with wings on each side carved on the tympanum, or top of the gravesto...1 day ago
Order of AHEPA - American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association -
A fraternal, cultural, and social organization, the Order of AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) was founded in 1922 to fight d...2 days ago
Hello ‘Mother’! A Hinged Hairwork Band -
When it comes to hinges in rings, there are many variations of the kind and it’s only when a style is at its absolute peak does the commonality and perfect...3 days ago
Thomas Moody, Newburyport, MA - 1737 -
HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF MR THOMAS MOODY WHO DIED the LAST DAY OF MARCH & in the 69th YEAR OF HIS AGE 1737 Old Burying Hill, Newburyport, Massachuse...3 days ago
Flowers for Mama-
Last week we took our son to see his grandparents. He hadn't seen them since the year before he deployed, so it was important to make this trip during his ...3 days ago
Tombstone Tuesday: Interred without a name: The Female Orphan House, Dublin -
The inscription reads: Sacred To the Memory of the Orphans who sleep in Jesus Erected by private subscriptions April 1859 The base stone reads: The Bur...5 days ago
1973 deed to Haywood County cemetery plot contains racist clause -
When James Chappelka brought out his cemetery plot deed, he didn’t take time to read the fine print. It was only years later when he wanted to sell the l...1 year ago

Welcome to the Graveyard Detective
An illustrated look at the World of Graveyards and Cemeteries. There are many Stories behind the Stones that Stand in them. Who knows what we might find?