Blogs of Note

Saturday 5 February 2011

Poundland Cemeteries - An Update

The Daily Mail has reported again on Poundland cemteries across Britain. The headline reads: "Modern face of mourning: The colourful 'poundland' shrines across Britain that councils are trying to wipe out."

This interesting article, by a well known columnist, is even more profusely illustrated and contains some striking images including a construction workers three (yes, three) giant graves and the growing custom of having life-size effigies of the deceased made for display on the grave! Quite frankly, I was amazed by some of the photos. Click HERE for more details. Again, your thoughts would be appreciated.

Below are selection of my own photographs which illustrate the contrast between the colourful spectacle and the decaying artefacts referred to by the columnist. The last two show a child's grave in Somerset and a nearby adult's. There are a lot of momentos, but they remain within the confines of the grave edges. For some reason I have yet to define, I always find the decaying teddy bears hardest to deal with. 


  1. Oh, it's sad to see those wet teddy bears. Boy, the flower bear is heart warming.

  2. Beautiful pictures but sad too. I really love the first one.

  3. The Teddy Bears are sad, aren't they, Sharon.

    Thanks, Adsila - lots of sadness, I know.
