In these days of digital photography, it is easy to switch a digital image from colour to black and white with just a couple of clicks of the computer mouse, assuming of course that you have the right software to be able to do it.
On my short visit to Locksbrook Cemetery in Bath, I took around 450 photographs - just a snapshot of the grave art treasures it contains. One in particular caught my eye - a striking, seated angel on a sarcophagus tomb. People often say that black and white photographs are more atmospheric. With this shot, I am not sure. I think both work very well. Which do you prefer - colour or black and white?
Hm, that's a tough one. The turquoise one looks like copper which feels burnished and pretty. The black-and-white seems more ephemeral, as though the angel were transparent.
I think they're both excellent...
Her wings are lovely. I wonder what the cloth is she seems so intent on examining ?
I love both B&W and color photos. Each can say something different to me. In this case, although I really like both, I just love the color in the first one! Gorgeous photo! ~Lori
I was going to email you, but I don't see your address. Could I have permission to use this photo in an altered art piece (not for sale)? It's so beautiful, and I know I could find a use for it. Please email me at and let me know if that would be OK. Thank you! ~Lori
the color...the verdigris color speaks volumes,,which,i think,is important to this photograph.
I usually prefer black and white to color for anything cemetery or architecture related. I like the color one too though.
I have a preference for colour photos myself, I do like both of them - but I'm a sucker for anything blue!
In my opinion: black/white.
On this image the color stands it apart from its surroundings. Beautiful! It pulled my heart strings.
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This is so beautiful !! Really great small statue..Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan
I've got to go with b/w. To me, the Angel stands out from the background more in the b/w than in the color.
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