Blogs of Note

Monday 4 August 2014

One of Thousands who never made it Home

A simple postcard of a wooden First World War grave marker. It marks the grave of Walter Clarke [see name variations, below]. Walter was 42931 Driver W Clarke Royal Field Artillery who died on 17 October 1917 aged 37. He is buried in Bleut Farm Cemetery (Elverdinge), Belgium.

The Nottinghamshire County Council roll of honour provides much detail on this soldier. He was born at Carrington in 1880 and was the son of Walter and Catherine Clark of 19 Morris Street, Daybrook, Nottingham and had three siblings. He was a regular soldier and the step brother of 15723 Pte William Henry Askew, who was also killed in action - Walter's father remarried after the death of his first wife, Catherine. Walter was serving with C Battery, 152nd Brigade. He enlisted in Nottingham but it is not know exactly how he died. During October 1917, the Third Battle of Passchendaele was raging and the British artillery would have been much in demand. On the other hand, states the roll of honour, the Germans would have done everything they could to silence our artillery and it is believed that Walter died as the result of enemy fire directed at his gun battery.

He is remembered on:

Arnold - Arnot Hill Park War Memorial as Clark Walter
Arnold - St Mary's Church War Memorial as Walter Clatk
Daybrook - St Paul's Church War Memorial as W Clark