Blogs of Note

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Fifth Anniversary of The Graveyard Detective

Five years ago this month, I started this blog. This enjoyable experience has had its ups and downs - most notably when I changed jobs and was committed to a year-long weekly commute (224 miles each way) from the south to the north of England [very tiring], followed by the joy [I am being ironic] of moving house and then being seduced by the immediacy of Facebook! Now that I have more time on my hands, I have been able to spend more time on the blog. Website traffic in the past few months has tripled and my Facebook group - Graveyard Detectives - has seen membership rise rapidly from 100+ to almost a thousand. A very big thank you to you all for your support and interest.

As this is my 400th post and as the magic total of 100,000 views is just a few days away, I thought I would check the statistics and list my top five most popular post from the past five years:

1.  2012 2174 views Boer War Photographs

2.  2010 909 views   Swastika on Scottish Gravestone

3.  2010 660 views   Cemetery Destruction

4.  2010 527 views   Waiting for the Embalming Process to Begin

5.  2011 499 views    Mourning Statues


1 comment:

  1. Well done on that, I'm afraid I avild Facebook like the plague and as for the view I have had well I'm still 850000 behind you. Congratulations again
