Blogs of Note

Sunday 23 February 2014

Victorian Couple's Tragic Loss

In Loving Memory of the Children of John and Ann Crompton of Calder Bridge.

This is one of the saddest graves I have ever seen. I cannot imagine the heartbreak felt by the couple who lost two sets of twins and another son - all in infancy. It can be found in the graveyard of St Thomas parish church in Garstang, Lancashire

Richard born and died June 16, 1886
Thomas Miller born June 16, 1886 and died March 28, 1887

Thomas Miller born March 19, 1890 and died March 28, 1890

John born April 13, 1891 and died December 17, 1891
Ellen Miller born April 13, 1891 and died February 1, 1892


  1. So sad... they named two babies Thomas and they died on the same day 3 years apart.... Hopefully they had children that survived.... thanks for sharing.

  2. If this happened today, the police would be investigating the parents, however, it was not so uncommon in those days to lose children to early childhood diseases.

    I wonder if they had any children who lived?

  3. Very sad. It's nice that the stone is still so clear, so, so they can be remembered.
