Blogs of Note

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Striking Soldier Memorial

Burnley Cemetery has a very striking memorial to a First World War Soldier. He was Private James Booth and my next post will include more information and photographs of this memorial. The intention of this brief post was to say how much I am enjoying discovering the presets In Adobe Photoshop Light Room 5. Below is the original image taken on a Ricoh R9 compact camera. It is followed by examples using the Direct Process, Yellow filter and Cyanotype presets. I would appreciate hearing other's views on which they prefer (or not!)






  1. Good morning Laurie,
    I too have been playing with the additions of photo enhancement as it is such fun. In fact it was because of these special effects that I came up with the idea of 'Cemetery Scapes' which has now become a regular feature on my blog.
    With regard to the first few photos of yours, I think they are great ~ what a wonderful memorial ~ but I've never been keen on cyanotype or any other single coloured filter. Sometimes even sepia and B&W don't look all that good either, but I do like the daguerreotype style which is almost inbetween.......

  2. Very striking memorial that and I look forward to reading more about it. Like the second process and yellow filter. Must think about investing in Lightroom 5

  3. I like the original, although the others are very striking.

    I use an online photo editor called iPiccy for all my cropping/text/effects and sometimes, I find that sepia brings out details on a stone that my original photo just didn't catch.
