Blogs of Note

Sunday 5 May 2013

A Show of Hands

Many of the headstones in Adlington Cemetery were manufactured at a local Stonemason's factory. Leonard Fairclough (1853-1927) founded the company and the quality of the work can be seen in these examples. Clasped hands can be found on headstones in cemeteries across the UK, but these few examples demonstrate the artistry of Fairclough and his men. I have selenium toned the images using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.


  1. There is some beautiful detail in these stones. I am not so sure I like the design of some of the lettering - but they are certainly interesting to see!

  2. Thank you. The fingers on one of them are almost skeletal.

  3. Fascinating post. There really is some real skill there. I love cemetery hands.

    Thank you for linking up with Cemetery Sunday

  4. I agree that the detail on these hands is remarkable!

  5. Some great craftsmanship there, very artistic.
