Blogs of Note

Sunday 21 April 2013

Vandalism or What?

I visited Duke Street cemetery in Southport and noticed this memorial. Note the red tear running from the figure's left eye. I am unsure whether this is paint (but why) or blood. I think I favour the latter. There were a number of unsavoury characters in the cemetery and wonder whether one of them who had been injured in a drunken fight did this. It is the way the colour is smeared and smudged that leads me to consider  it may be congealed blood. If it had been paint, why is there so little and why didn't it run downwards - the angle of descent seems wrong. There is a spot, also, just above the elbow of the figure- a fingerprint?  Artistic vandal or bleeding yob? I just don't know. Any suggestions appreciated. Click once and then again for a very enlarged view.