Blogs of Note

Friday 5 April 2013

Avenue of Angels

For those of you who follow my Creating Pictures In My Mind blog, you will know that I visited the Anthony Gormley Another Place installation on Crosby Beach, last week. On my way there, I drove past an amazing sight. Behind a hedge was an Avenue of Angels. Today, I returned and found examples of funerary architecture beyond my wildest dreams. It turned out to be the Liverpool Road Cemetery (Birkdale) in Southport, Lancashire and it opened its doors (so to speak) in 1905. A forty-five minute walk round the cemetery saw me leave with 325 digital images. Here is the first.


  1. Great photo I'd love to come across angels like that

  2. Wow, I want to go there. I pinned the photo to my angel board.

  3. There were so many of them, Bill!

    Very beautiful, Dorene.

    Thanks, BB. I will go and look at your Board on Pinterest.
