Blogs of Note

Sunday 13 January 2013

Variations on a Theme

I found an opportunity to visit a beautiful small Roman Catholic graveyard just ten minutes drive away at Ribchester. It is in the Manor of Stydd and adjacent to the Church of St Peter and St Paul's. The church is a early 'barn church', built to look like a barn to disguise it's true purpose.

Three of the headstones were similar and each had a winged head inset above the name of the deceased. Although the stones were similar, each of the heads were different and the passage of time has been kinder to one that than the others . . . I wonder if they were individually cut by different masons?





  1. Interesting! It does look like it's the same carver, or perhaps someone who worked with the same carver. Nice find!

  2. Interesting history of the building. Headstone deterioration may perhaps be affected by prevailing weather ?? I.e. one more sheltered than another?
