Blogs of Note

Monday 24 December 2012

War Correspondents Memorial Service

This is a photograph of the memorial service for three War Correspondents who were killed in action at Scarfati, Italy on September 28, 1943. The caption on the reverse records: On 28 Sep, War Correspondents Stewart Sale (Reuter), William J Munday (Australian Combined Press) and A B Austin (Daily Herald) were killed by enemy action at Scarfati. A memorial service, held in two denominations, Roman Catholic and Protestant, was held at their graves and was attended by British and American war correspondents attached to the Fifth Army.Many floral tributes were sent, one of which came from the GOC, Fifth Army, General Mark Clark. Picture shows: the scene at the graveside during the service.

War Correspondents To
Keep Behind TroopS
LONDON. October 2.-AAP

It is reported from Allied Head-
quarters that the Army authorities
yesterday ordered war correspon
dents to cease going ahead of

combat troops. The order is said
to have followed a complaint from
Army men that correspondents
with the Bth Army linked with toe
sth Army before the combat forces
had made the junction
War correspondents in Algiers
today adopted a resolution express
ing profound grief at the deaths
in the line of duty ot William J.
Munday. A B Austin, and Stewart
Sale, the three correspondents who
were kilted dy a German shell
near Naples on ruesday The
resolution extended sympathy to
the families and colleagues of the
three men. "who gave their lives
jn the cause of the war and a free

Memorial Service To War
LONDON, Oct. 12.—AAP.
The historic Fleet street church
of St. Dunstan in the West was
crowded today for the memorial
Messrs. W. J. Munday S Sale and

A. B. Austin, who were killed by ai
German shell near Naples on Sep
tember 28. The British. Dominion!
and American press was represen
ted. Those present Included toe
Minister of Information (Mi-
Bracken) and toe Army Director
of Public Relations (Lord Bum
ham), representing toe War Office
The Rev. A. J. Mac Donald, rector
of St. Dunstan's, conducted toe
The council of the Empire Press j
Union today adopted a resolution
expressing sympathy at toe death
!oi Mr. Munday, who represented
I various Australian newspapers. J

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