Blogs of Note

Thursday 20 December 2012

In Memoriam Cards 2

Looking through the contents of the shoebox crammed with in memoriam cards, I find myself overwhelmed by the contents. There is just so much to take in and I think this is going to have to be done in slow time. There are many fine examples of In Memoriam art and I attach a few here. There are also many black edged envelopes, each containing a card. They will take a while to go through and there are handwritten letters of sympathy as well. Astonishingly, I have found a larger box which is stuffed to the gunnels with funeral-ephemera - some of the undertaker and stone mason letterheads are works of art in themselves. Annie Harlow died an horrendous death - see the inquest cutting which I have added below the card. August James Harlow, whose card is also printed in this post, turns out to be Annie's father and he died a month after his daughter.

This card exudes quality and is printed on heavy card. An invite to the funeral is printed inside

This is one of the most top quality cards I have ever come across and must have cost a mint at the time

Commemorating a young life cut short. Her father's card is published later in this post

Beautifully ornate border

Father of Annie (above)


  1. Number 6 Emily Lawrence is a poser as there is no church or cemitery in the village.

  2. Looks like this many of them are embroidered card, Thanks for sharing these cards, great collection.
