Blogs of Note

Sunday 4 November 2012

Thought-provoking Inscription

I noticed a small churchyard in Whitechapel just three miles from my Lancashire home. On Friday, I had a chance to visit it and found it full of interesting headstones and memorials. This one caught my eye.

It has a nice thing to say about John Jasper Roper inscribed at the base:

Devoted and Loving son
A lover of children
Especially in this Parish and All Saints Southport

A plaque at the top of the memorial states:

Time is the Sand of Life
Ever passing On,
One day to be Accounted for
By Each and Everyone

I found that very thought-provoking . . .


  1. Unusual design for this tombstone... and indeed, thought provoking. Good find. One should never miss the chance to stop at an unexplored cemetery.

  2. What a fantastic find! Very interesting and indeed thought provoking.

    Beneath Thy Feet

  3. Thanks, Owen. You certainly find some interestig cemeteries to explore!

  4. Thanks, Nicola. I enjoying seeing your own finds on your great blog!
