Blogs of Note

Thursday 8 November 2012

Grave Mystery!

I have to admit to being completely baffled by this grave in a Somerset graveyard. What is the purpose of the arch and why is there a ball suspended beneath it? There is writing on the ball and one word I recognise if God.

Updated 10 November - The tomb is that of Major Robert Carmichael of the Highland Regiment which features a suspended globe depicted how travelled a soldier he had been.


  1. I don't know what this is about, but I'd love to.

  2. Where in Somerset is this, and is there any other identification on the grave?

  3. Goodness, that is bizarre. I hope you manage to get to the bottom of it.

  4. Mystery solved after pursuing many lines of enquiry. The grave is that of Major Robert Carmichael of the Highland Regiment and features a suspended globe depicting how travelled a soldier he had been!
