Blogs of Note

Sunday 16 September 2012

Musical Instrument

Another ornate headstone, this time in St Leonard churchyard at Balderstone - just a couple of miles from St Leonard the Less. There is, what I presume to be, a Cornet at the top of the headstone. The inscription hides the death of a First World War soldier.

Pte John William Snape, of 47th (S) Company, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, died of pneumonia on March 4, 1919 aged 24. He was the son of John William and Mary Snape of Blackburn and husband of Florence Snape of 58 Sandon Street, Blackburn.


  1. Hello,

    The alignment of the "valves" on the instrument suggests a tuba or euphonium rather than a cornet. This would mean the instrument would be on its side, as most euphonia or baritone horns are played with the bell facing up. Additionally, on a cornet, there would be a mouthpiece projecting from the end opposite the bell, where here there is none depicted.

    Just some stray thoughts about a very unique inscription...


  2. Chris,

    Thank you very much. That's very helpful Brass instruments are not my strong point!



  3. Nice gravestone. How said to lose a child at 14 weeks.

    The Passion Flower has some significance, but I can't remember what just now.

    Beneath Thy Feet

  4. I’m surely coming again to read these articles and blogs
    pro audio

  5. I have never seen such Musical Equipment. They are scary :). Thanks for sharing.

  6. Am loving these Musical Instruments.
    I dont think many of us have seen these.
