Blogs of Note

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Avoided the Demon Drink!

Sacred to the Memory of Mary Graham who died February 4, 1868 in the 90th Year of her Age.

Could she have died because she refused medicine? Her gravestone records:

She was a devoted friend to the Temperance cause and a Teetotaler 33 years. She refused to take either Medicine or Intoxicating Liquors up to her death.


  1. It could be the reason she made it to her 90th year. Back in they Victorian days many medicines contained poisons and opiates such as arsenic and cocaine

    Nice stone.

    Beneath Thy Feet

  2. Does this mean she was a party girl for the first 57 years of her life? haha. Consider linking to Taphophile Tragics, where you'll find kindred spirits.

  3. I didn't think of that, Nicola. See my previous post on the Doctor's children who died of poisoning!

    Oakland Daily Photo - thanks for the tip!
