Blogs of Note

Sunday 29 July 2012

Ivor Gurney - Poet and Composer

In the parish church of St Matthew in Twigworth, Gloucestershire, a headstone marks the grave of Ivor Gurney. It records that he was a Composer and Poet of the Severn and Somme.

He was listed as one of the famous First World War poets. Wikipedia records that he "died of TB while still a patient at the City of London Mental Hospital on September 26, 1937 aged 47. He was buried in Twigworth - the service was conducted by his godfather, the Reverend Alfred Cheesman. Gurney was 'a lover and maker of beauty', as it said on his gravestone - since replaced after it was damaged with the original stone now being stored inside the church.

More information can be found HERE and HERE.

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