Blogs of Note

Tuesday 8 May 2012

All in a Row?

It must be an optical illusion. When you first look at the headstones in your local graveyard, you admire the way they have been carefully laid out in rows. Then, when you look at the photographs, you realise they are laid out all higgledy piggledy!


  1. Are they (higgledy piggledy) or are they aligned at the base and have tilted every which way? Lovely photos.

  2. Maybe their occupants get up and shift them around at night ???

    Greetings Laurie, it's been donkey's years again, time just keeps slipping, slipping, slipping, into the future... hope all is good in your corner of the universe...

  3. As a Memorial Stonemason I can tell you the stones move because of settlement of the earth,the earth dries out or becomes waterlogged. I can assure you when first placed they are level.
