Blogs of Note

Sunday 1 January 2012

The Art of Maile and Son

Searching through my recently re-discovered box of funerary treasures, I found some really fascinating brochures and price lists issued by the Cornish Granite Sculptors - G. Maile & Son Ltd of Euston Road in London. They must have been well-known at the time and it is intriguing to see the cost of memorials. As an example of what I have found, here is there 'Beautiful Churchyard Memorials' Catalogue. It seems no expense was spared as the publication is very nicely printed. To me, the papers provide a useful guide to pricing and the types of memorials and headstones that were on offer. Enjoy!


  1. What a great find, Laurie. And I do specially like the mention of appropriate grave plantings too.

  2. Thanks, Diane. I'll publish some more in due course. I must have bought the set and filed them away without opening the packet. A very pleasant surprise!

  3. Im from Israel, make investigation on Protestant Cemetery of Haifa from Mandate British and i finded on Felicity Ann Webb´s grave Maile and Son´sign

  4. Hi Diego Mesia,
    Greetings to you from the land of India. I’m Mary Daniel(68)an Indian wife and mother. I’m also a Christian belong to the Church of South India(CSI) which has close relation to the Church of England. On 20th November 2016(Sunday)I went to attend the service of an ancient Protestant church up the mountain part of my place(Kerala)where I found several tombs of English people. Most of the tombs are beautifully designed and constructed. Among them I found a tomb of an English girl by name " Bridget Mary daughter of Stanley & Eva Rowson".The date of birth is noted on the tomb as November 4th 1932 and the date of death, November 4th 1934.The top part of the tomb is the sculpture of the girl.I shall show you the picture of the tomb if you could give me your E-mail Id.On the bottom of the tomb it is recorded as "G.MAILE & SON LONDON.ENG "Sir, could you please tell me if it is possible to find out any one who belongs to M/S G.MAILE? Or anyone who belongs to family of the deceased girl? The reason is that the sculpture needs some maintenance. Both hands of the sculpture are damaged. Hope to hear from you.Mary( E-mail-
