Blogs of Note

Monday 15 August 2011

The Immaculate Heart of Mary

Mary can be seen, here, displaying it on this gravestone in St John the Evangalist church yard in Kirkham, Lancashire. There are several symbolic variations of the heart but, in this example, a band of roses surrounds, flames are coming out of the top and rays are emitted to its lower right. Note the sword that has pierced the centre of the heart. It is a reminder of the sorrows felt by Mary through Jesus' life. Evidently, at the presentation of Christ in the Temple, Simeon informed her that a sword will pierce her heart.

That said, the events commemorated by this gravestone certainly must have broken the hearts of the parents, John and Ester Moxham of Preston, Lancashire. Of their children, Ann died in 1871 age 3, Margaret in 1874 age 5 and Mary in 1889 age 4 years and 7 months.

1 comment:

  1. What an excellent find and so well photographed Laurie...
    Thanks for the info too
