Blogs of Note

Wednesday 16 February 2011

American Headstone

A recent aquisition from America was a glass plate negative of a grave in an unknown cemetery. I estimate it to date from about 1900 and made a scan from it this evening. The name John E. Gibbs can clearly be read on the headstone which looks brand new. A sign to the left of the stone has the letters NB above VFA on it. Perhaps that means something to North American students of funerary architecture? Fascinatingly, a small plaque to the right reads 'Perpetual Care'. I wonder if the headstone has been crafted from Vermont Marble? I am intrigued by the white stone borders which seem to separate the plots as far as the eye can see. Comments are most welcome! Click twice on the image for a close up look!


  1. Could be just about anywhere. I'd guess the VF part of VFA is for Veterans of Foreign... but the A leaves me perplexed. There is an active group in the US called the VFW, veterans of foreign wars. The NB doesn't ring a bell with me at all. Sorry, I'm not much help here...

  2. The shape looks to me like a fireman's shield. which leads me to believe the VFA stands for the VETERAN FIREMAN'S ASSOCIATION I believe the NB stands for New Bedford which is in Massachusetts, USA. Hope that helps.

  3. Thanks Owen. It's always a highlight when you call by!

    Tammi, Thank you, that's very helpful.

  4. Hi Laurie~
    You've made me curious! I had to google these initials: VFA could be a moniker for Volunteer Fire Assistance; this organization could be responsible for upgrading the plot... NB could be New Brunswick, a province in Canada. Interesting puzzle... Margaret

  5. HI Margaret,
    New Brunswick - I hadn't thought of that. I'll check it out!
