Blogs of Note

Friday 12 March 2010

He must have Missed her so Much!

This must have been a beautiful mourning figure. Sadly, now with a head and missing an arm. A single word at its base - 'Beloved'. The memorial is inscribed as ' A token of love to Evelyn - the devoted wife of Richard Entwhistle who died on 29 January 1937 aged 43.' Eventually, they were reunited. A panel below records 'Until the Day Dawns - Waiting'. Richard died 5 October 1949 aged 63. A final word on the memorial says it all - 'Reunited'


  1. You have to wonder if there is a shed somewhere that may house all those missing parts and pieces.

    It is hard to stomach that they are just gone, tossed away like so much trash.

  2. The human urge to erect monuments to sorrow is so compelling, as this shows expertly. I do notice, with exquisite sadness, that our present-day monuments are bland and mediocre, giving nothing away and inviting no emotion but boredom. What happened to our incredulity about death? We've only to gaze at a pyramid to experience what we've lost. I blame organized religion.

  3. Decrepit old monuments teach us much...

    Aloha from Hawaii my Friend!

    Comfort Spiral
