Blogs of Note

Sunday 7 February 2010

Proud of a Job well done!

Quite a rare photograph of grave diggers by a recently dug grave. Is the more smartly dressed figure on the right the foreman? It. is interesting to see their tools - the spades, a long-handled shovel and the besom brush that was used to brush the soil from the grass around the grave.


  1. Interesting subject aside, I love the beat of this sepia.
    The ice cream curls of the dirt, the three men looking like a family business...the pattern of the trees in the back ground.... -J

  2. Hmmmmm... interesting photo!

  3. Real History ! Love it. What a great photo. Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. . thus there is atleast one plains clothes officer amoung the crowd.

    Work From Home

  5. Wow. Where did you GET this?

    Really interesting.
