Blogs of Note

Sunday 20 September 2009

Naming of Names

As I was leaving the Fleetwood Cemetery in Lancashire, I approached more recent graves from behind and noticed that a large number of them had a single surname or forename on the reverse. I guess that when someone is visiting a plot where most of headstones are similar in shape or colour, it is is much easier to find someone with the name on the back. Has anyone come across this custome anywhere else?


  1. I haven't seen it, but it is a really good idea.

  2. I've seen it on family stones, mostly. Not really seen any with forenames.

  3. hmmmm....don't remember having seen it - but it's been a very long time since i've been out cemetery shooting [photos] - although i have wanted to for some time since i've been here where the graveyards are date back to early 1600's - in any event, love your blog - very very interesting!

  4. Been over a month now, hope you're ok Laurie, I think there are quite a few of us out here missing your presence in the blogosphere... take care and be well...

  5. I guess the residents behind this cemetery don't have to worry about the noise factor when they have a party.

  6. It's not uncommon with new stones here, but by no means universal. Often, though, the verso will have something I'll miss until I approach it from the other side and realize what I've done.
