Blogs of Note

Friday 12 June 2009

Loading the Coffin

Staff at this undertakers lift the coffin ready to slide it into the funeral coach. Note the spectacular floral tributes. They are not young men!


  1. Oh What an Image !! This is really suspicious !!Great One...Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan

  2. In biggery I noticed many special details, esp the age of these pallbearers. Isn't there a legend/myth about having young people carry the dead? Written in the "Popol Vuh" (Mayan) but I think Western cultures adapted rituals based solely on suspicions. Interesting.

  3. The name Graveyard detective is so intriging. I'll definately be following.

  4. Love the old photographs of funerals. They really knew how to show respect. You might be interested in my blog I photograph cemeteries and haunted houses. Thanx for the great pictures.
