Blogs of Note

Friday 26 June 2009

Striking figure weeps over Grave

I was photographed a small angel standing sentinel over a grave at Locksbrook Cemetery, Bath when I my camera refocused itself to reveal an absolutely stunning weeping figure reclining on a large memorial. The grave marks the deceased members of the Klinker family. I make no apology for including so many shots of the figure, but each gives a different view of her . . . The close up portrait appears to show a single tear that has been shed.


  1. This one, some very mixed feelings here. Fantastic marker either way and a great picture.

  2. What a beautiful lady in repose, so real you would think she was modeled on a human body: look at her feet. Very poignant and touching, good shots.

  3. Absolutely stunning - I have never seen any cemetery sculptures with quite this kind of natural beauty. And thanks for showing shots from different angles to recreate the full impact of the figure.

  4. I have come back several times for another look.

    Graveyards, modern ones, are so "cold" compared to these heart felt stones of long ago.

    When did "we" become so sanitary with our clean lines and flat stones?

  5. Some grave statues would not look out of place in a gallery. This lady looks particularly beautiful what a great sculpture. It is hard to find nice ones like this as they are often vandalized or even stolen!

  6. I have just read that you took this lovely photo in a Cemetery in Bath.
    Have you ever visited Smallcombe Cemetery in Bath?
    It is a little place, tucked away with some great Victorian grave stones. I really like the Celtic crosses there.
    Thank you for sharing your special photos.

  7. I wonder who the craft man was.
    She's exquisite.

  8. Oh, she is just amazing! It always amazes me how stone can look so soft and exquisite! Lovely!! :) Silke

  9. Beautiful!
    I've moved my moonlighted cemetery to blogspot as well.

  10. Thank you for stopping by my blog. You have a very interesting blog here with your graveyard photos and perspectives. I love the statues on these graves. It really shows the depth of the grief of the familes that were left behind in this world. Great angle shots too.

  11. here I was all set to make a comment about how lovely the "old" grave sites are compared to the sterile, low maintenance straight lines of today and I see someone has beaten me to it!

  12. So beautiful. You can almost feel the sorrow from the picture. If I stood before it I know I would tear up.

  13. Beautiful and haunting images. I wish I could tag along on your cemetary jaunts.

  14. This is a beautiful piece...thanks for sharing.

  15. She is really beautiful Laurie... and great photos to share her with us... thanks...
