Monday 29 June 2009

Arnos Vale Cemetery - an Angel Heaven

If you are interested in Angels, then the magnificent Arnos Vale cemetery is the place to go. I have been to dozens of cemeteries and churchyards across the world, but this heavenly plot is one of the best. Forty-five acres of Angel Heaven is how I describe it to people since my visit two weeks ago. Every time I look at the images I took, it makes the hairs on my neck stand up - such is the beauty of the funerary architecture on public display. Here are just three of them:


Margaret Pangert said...

I see what you mean: the middle one looks like a frieze from Roman architecture; the top one looks like a youhg woman so bereft she is pressing herself into the wall, her eyes cast downward, hand to chest, extremely poignant. The third one reminds me of the evangelical idea that death is to be exalted, blowing the bugle and defiant fist held high.

Owen said...

Hi Laurie, sounds like an incredible place... don't know if you might be familiar with some of the solo music Jerry Garcia recorded when not playing with the Grateful Dead, but one song he did a version of that comes to mind here is "Angels Laid Him Away", actually, Google tells me the title of the song is "Louis Collins", by Mississippi John Hurt, and the lyrics start like this :

Mrs. Collins weeped, Mrs. Collins moaned,
to see her son Louis leavin' home
The angels laid him away
The angels laid him away,
they laid him six feet under the clay
The angels laid him away
Mrs. Collins weeped, Mrs. Collins moaned,
to see her son Louis leavin' home
The angels laid him away
Oh, Bob shot once and Louis shot too,
shot poor Collins, shot him through and through
The angels laid him away
Oh, kind friends, oh, ain't it hard?,
to see poor Louis in a new graveyard
The angels laid him away
The angels laid him away,
they laid him six feet under the clay
The angels laid him away

Anna said...

Your images are beautiful. Your friend Owen turned my attention to your blogs. I hope you can visit a blog that I help edit:

My BF is embarking on several tours to capture haunted sites in IR photography across the US. Next year I am taking him to Germany with my student exchange and we may have a short visit to the UK in our plans. I would welcome any recommendations to get him the best possible images and stories!

Please visit his blog. I lready have invited him to yours after I joined.

And thank you Owen!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Gives me goose bumps!

den said...

Arnos vale?
Looks interesting,
Where is this visual feast.

CathM said...

A certain tranquility exudes... I do like this sort of sculpture/architecture.

robert said...

Already past four in the morning, kid is awake, asleep and awake again...probably the perfect time to see your angles. Like the photography very much and will inform you when I see one on my own.
Please have a nice weekend.

Logan said...

It is assumed that the angels are what protect us at all times, so there are angels in the cemetery on the graves.

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